The Keys to Cleaning White Items

Cleaning white items involves more than just dousing them with bleach and tossing them into your washing machine. There are some key factors to remember and here are some helpful hints to keeping all your white items as clean as possible.

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Washing white items means always following the proper instructions. It is a good idea to check the labels of your whites for washing and drying instructions. Keep in mind that high temperatures can actually fade your whites over the long-term. Avoiding too much heat will keep your whites from attaining a graying hue.

Selecting a laundry detergent can also help keep your whites fresh and clean. Choosing a brand of detergent that contains a bleach alternative can also help white items maintain their brightness.

It is also key to remember that stains are not the only thing that can sully your white garments. Our bodies produce sweat and oils, which inundate your clothing. Even though these oils cannot always be seen, they can have a lasting effect and can turn clothes a yellowish tint. Washing white items after every wear is key to keeping them bright and clean.

It is always good to separate whites from colored items when washing. The separation extends to another level as delicate whites should be washed with other delicates on the appropriate setting. Also, don’t put too many whites in your washer at once. Overloading your washer limits the circulation during the washing process. That means the detergent cannot fully penetrate your white items and work its magic.

And try not to overdo it with detergent. Measuring out the appropriate amount has its advantages. Too many suds wind up acting as a cushion. What happens is that dirt remains in the fabric because the suds act as a protective barrier and clothes do not get completely clean. When it comes to washing white items, this could leave them with a graying look.

There are also some home remedy tips that help with keeping whites bright and fresh. One remedy is to add vinegar to a load of whites, which goes beyond just washing away stains and smells. Vinegar actually helps in the process of dissolving any detergent that may not have been completely rinsed off during a wash. Whites that hold onto detergent or fabric softener can take on a dull appearance. The use of vinegar can ensure all that detergent is fully removed.